Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hat Boxes full of hats

It's on.  The mad rush of ladies to get their Easter bonnets ended yesterday.  There will be lots of peach, fuschia, lime green and ,of course, white in church today worn by traditional ladies to honor the greatest Christian Holiday next to Christ's birhday.  These ladies love their hats and the event itself.  Their joy in the Rising of the Lord and their love of the greatest hat day in the year is an event we watch each year at The Hat Co with special awe.
Next is the Kentucky Derby.  That is the next Big event which we will describe here along with Spring Teas.  Ladies will be in hat buying frenzy.  A full description coming soon.
Hat Quiz:  How do you remove dust off a good felt hat?
A]  Brush off in a  "clockwise" direction
B]  Hold it out the car window at 60 mph
C] Gently use a hat brush and brush  the felt in a "counterclockwise" direction
Answer next week

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