Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leap Year Leap of Faith to a new style of headwear

The male Baby Boomers are making a seismic switch in their choice of hats.  Ballcaps have ruled throughout their youth and middle years as the headwear of choice for sports and any outdoors wear.
Now day after day these guys are coming into the Hat Company store in Las Vegas and are saying that they are "just tired" of wearing the same old ballcaps and it's time to experiment a little.  Many are jumping to the flatcap, ivy league, and cabby cap style.  It looks cool.  Lots of celebs wear them.  And most importantly their lady friends like them, because the ladies are tired of the ballcaps too. The ladies tell us every day. So maybe it's time for you to break loose a little and try a new style.  You just might be surprised.
Answer to hat quiz question of Feb 11th:  LLCoolJ Bucket hat
Hat Quiz for March 1st: What's Steampunk?
A]  A bad choice in fast food
B]  An angry hotheaded dude
C] A new science fiction genre of dressup wear in cloths and especially hats which emulates the style of clothing in the 1930's as seen in comic strips with space ship adventurers and military aviator daredevils.
Answer next week.

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